ستارگان دروغ و خیانت

جمع آوری آراء ، نظرات ، مقالات و یادداشتهای پراکنده ناریا (آقای ناصر پورپیرار)

ستارگان دروغ و خیانت

جمع آوری آراء ، نظرات ، مقالات و یادداشتهای پراکنده ناریا (آقای ناصر پورپیرار)

دعوت از دانشمندان دروغپرداز و مزدور کنیسه با سوء پیشینه در تزریق دروغ به تاریخ ایران باستان جهت سیاه بازی بازخوانی کتیبه بیستون


شنبه 8 شهریور 1393 ساعت 09:18 ق.ظ








آمون : این هم متن :   


Intl. team to reread Darius inscription
Sat May 26, 2012 5:9PMHome/ Iran/ Culture

The inscription gives a portrayal of the Achaemenid King Darius I holding a bow, as a sign of sovereignty.
Four international experts have been invited to reread the Bisotun inscriptions of Darius the Great engraved on a rock near the Iranian city of Kermanshah. Professor Wouter F. M. Henkelman of the German Archaeological Institute, Professor Bruno Jacobs of the University of Basel, Professor Johannes Hackl of the University of Vienna, and Joan De Winne of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium will study the inscription. According to head of the Bisotun Cultural Heritage Center (BCHC) Hossein Raei, the team will also study the damaged parts of the inscription. Mount Bisotoun is one of the main tourist attractions in Iran's western Kermanshah Province, best known for its multi-lingual inscription which was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. The inscription gives a portrayal of the Achaemenid King Darius I holding a bow, as a sign of sovereignty, and treading on the chest of a figure lying on his back before him. The bas-relief is surrounded by inscriptions telling the story of the battles Darius waged in 521-520 BCE in Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian. The inscription is approximately 15 meters tall by 25 meters wide, and is located 100 meters up a limestone cliff from an ancient road that connected the capitals of Babylonia and Media. British army officer Henry Rawlinson had the hieroglyph transcribed between 1835 and 1843. Columbia University professor William Jackson continued Rawlinson’s studies in 1903. George Glenn Cameron of the University of Michigan conducted a thorough study of the inscriptions in 1948 and 1949. TE/TE




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