ستارگان دروغ و خیانت

ستارگان دروغ و خیانت

جمع آوری آراء ، نظرات ، مقالات و یادداشتهای پراکنده ناریا (آقای ناصر پورپیرار)
ستارگان دروغ و خیانت

ستارگان دروغ و خیانت

جمع آوری آراء ، نظرات ، مقالات و یادداشتهای پراکنده ناریا (آقای ناصر پورپیرار)

سمینار معرفی دست نوشته های قرون 14 تا 16 میلادی شیراز در لندن


دوشنبه 12 دی 1390 ساعت 12:47 PM
شالوم! کریسمس مبارک! بفرمایید هدیه بابانوئل! شاهنامه هایی از قرون 14 و 16 میلادی که در شهری با وضع بی مثال طراحی شده است!
تازه مجانی هم هستش! احتمالا یک پرس جوجه هم شام می دن!

Lecture and Reception

23rd January 2012
6:45 pm for 7:00 pm

Conference Centre
The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB

A lecture on the diversity and creativity of exquisite Persian illuminated manuscripts created in Shiraz in the 16th century.

Organised by
Iran Heritage Foundation and The British Library

Dr. Marianna Shreve Simpson
President, Historians of Islamic Art Association
Of the many artistic centres in Iran, perhaps none had a longer and more productive history than the city of Shiraz, capital of Fars province. Beginning at least in the early 14th century and continuing into the 17th, Shirazi calligraphers, illuminators, painters and binders produced vast quantities of deluxe manuscripts at a prodigious rate. This presentation will consider the diversity and creativity of exquisite manuscripts made in 16th-century Shiraz through examples, particularly illustrated volumes of the Shahnameh (Book of Kings), belonging to the British Library and other collections worldwide.
Marianna Shreve Simpson was Curator of Islamic Near Eastern Art at the Freer/Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution and more recently the Director of Curatorial Affairs and Curator of Islamic Art at the Walters Art Museum. Currently, she is President of the Historians of Islamic Art Association and specialises in the arts of the Islamic book in general and illustrated Persian manuscripts in particular.

Ticket Information
The event is free of charge. Early booking is recommended.

To book your place please contact info@iranheritage.org

Date and Time
23rd January 2012
6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Conference Centre
The British Library
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB

Iran Heritage Foundation,
5 Stanhope Gate,
London W1K 1AH.
Tel: +44 (20) 7493 4766,
Email: info@iranheritage.org

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IHF receives its funding from individuals, businesses and philanthropic institutions. We accept no funds from any government or political organisation. Please support IHF by clicking on the link below. For other ways of giving, and for US donors please visit our Giving page.
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